1244 CANDLE LITE LOOP, North Pole, AK 99705 listing details

$ 204,900
  • Property Type: Single Family
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Building Size: 1 SF
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 10/02/2013
  • Last Update: 10/04/2013
  • Bedrooms: 3
Peaceful setting on Badger Slough! No neighbors behind you provide for a really private setting. Have it all with this home! Well maintained home, paved circle driveway that is great for pulling in and out with trailers, boats, and motorhomes, attached 2 car garage, carport, and a detached 1458 sqft shop. Wonderful home at an affordable price, with nice open kitchen and living room area, 3 bedrooms, new carpet, and located within convenient distance to Fairbanks, North Pole, bike baths, and fishing, canoeing, and kayaking on the slough! Home is right next to bike path that is great for walking, biking, and only 1/2 mile to Badger school playground, and a mile to Badger gas for ice cream or another playground. Great location!! Slough has tons of wildlife to include moose, ducks, bald eagles, and more. Shop has an area that was a paint booth. Shop also has a half bath.

Realty Listing in North Pole on 1244 CANDLE LITE LOOP data

Real estate listing was proposed For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at 10/02/2013. This Single Family Home listing was updated on the site on Fri Oct 04/2013 20:10:46. The status of the Single Family Home is For Sale that allows of any prospective customers can send inquiry about this listing. The price of the Home is $204900.00. Current realty contains 14 pictures assigned to it and for more images you can email or telephone listing agent.

Listing Geo Location

The property placement are: 1244 CANDLE LITE LOOP, North Pole, AK 99705. You can review StreetView or Map to get Complete info about Single Family Home Geo Location.

Quantity of rooms and Living area details

This realty unit comes with three bedrooms plus three bathrooms. The total sf area of the property is 1.00000.

Real estate agent contact info

You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by agent and they will help you in inspecting the realty as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 1244 CANDLE LITE LOOP, North Pole, AK 99705 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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