Bldg - 27 Christopher Street New, York, NY 10014 listing details

$ 47,500,000
  • Property Type: Apartment
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 08/20/2014
  • Last Update: 08/21/2014
  • Roof: Unknown
  • Amenities: Patio
  • Style: Other
About Bldg - 27 Christopher Street , New York, NY 10014 Introducing 27 Christopher Street An unprecedented opportunity in New Yorks exclusive West Village. Perfectly situated on a significant corner lot at the intersection of Christopher Street and Waverly Place 27 Christopher is a striking pre-war architectural presence in this historic neighborhood. The building is being offered in its original splendor providing the purchaser with the perfect canvas to create a palatial single family home or boutique luxury condominium. Comprised of four above grade floors plus a partially below grade lower level and useable roof the building offers expansive open floor plates all featuring high ceiling heights substantial windows and splendid views overlooking Christopher Street Waverly Place and the nearby Christopher Park. 27 Christopher Street represents a once in a lifetime opportunity to own an irreplaceable building with endless potential in a premier West Village location.Renderings by Gerner Kronick Valcarcel Architects DPC are for illustration purposes only.

Real Estate Listing in York on Bldg - 27 Christopher Street New data

Listing was placed For Sale on from Aug 20/2014 15:53:39. This Apartment listing was updated on the site on Aug 21/2014 10:32:53. The status of the Apartment is For Sale that means that any prospective clients can send inquiry about this listing. The cost of the listing is $47500000.00. This Apartment doesn't contains photos assigned to it.

Apartment Geo Location

The realty address are: Bldg - 27 Christopher Street New, York, NY 10014. You can review StreetView and Google Map to get More details about Apartment Geo Location.

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Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on Bldg - 27 Christopher Street New, York, NY 10014 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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