1324 Rendezvous Rd, Fraser, CO 80442 listing details

$ 610,000
  • Property Type: Condominium, Townhouse
  • Status: Available
  • Status Type:
  • Building Size: 2 SF
  • Year Built: 2004
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 06/25/2014
  • Last Update: 06/26/2014
  • Bedrooms: 3
DonÂ’t miss this 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath mountain cabin located in Rendezvous. Enjoy the upgraded wrap around deck with expansive views of Winter Park Ski Resort and Byers Peak. Watch the snowcats come down the ski slopes at night from the private hot tub in the back yard. You will also love RendezvousÂ’ amenities- private ski club, private ski shuttle, stocked fishing pond and extensive trail system for hiking and biking, all included in your low monthly HOA dues. The kitchen has been upgraded with a gas stove, hickory cabinets, GE appliances and a one of a kind, Italian made, copper range hood. The hardwood floors are rare, reclaimed lumber, quarter sawn planks from old barns found on the East Coast. Home is wired in most rooms for audio. This is the perfect mountain get away for you and your family. Love the furniture? SellerÂ’s may negotiate furniture with a solid offer. List of exclusions apply.

Listing in Fraser on 1324 Rendezvous Rd info

Real estate listing was proposed For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com from Jun 25/2014 18:14:00. This Condominium listing was updated on the web site on Jun 26/2014 19:00:33. The status of the Condominium is For Sale that allows of any future customers can send inquiry about this property. The value of the property is $610000.00. Current home contains 14 photos assigned to it and for new pictures you can email or call listing owner.

Realty Geo Location

The realty location are: 1324 Rendezvous Rd, Fraser, CO 80442. You can see StreetView or Map to get Complete info about Condominium Geo Location.

built in info

The listing was built in 2004.

Amount of rooms and Living area details

This property unit includes with 3 bedrooms plus four toilets. The total square foot area of the property is 2.00000.

Realtor contact information

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker and they will assist you in reviewing the realty as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 1324 Rendezvous Rd, Fraser, CO 80442 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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