1240 County Road D E #5 Maplewood, Mn 55109, Saint Paul, MN 55109 listing details
- Property Type: Townhouse
- Status:
- Status Type:
- Buildings: 1
- Added: 02/10/2014
- Last Update: 02/11/2014
- Bedrooms: 3
- Lot Size (Acres): 0.050
- Lot Dimensions: Common
- Frontage: County
- Fencing: None
- Lot Description: City Bus (w/in 6 blks)
- Zoning: Residential-Multi-Family
- APN: 042922110100
- Price: $169
900 - Association Fee: $200
- Assoc Fee Freq: Monthly
- Tax Amount: $1
542 - Tax w/Assessment: $1
542 - Tax Year: 2013
- Terms: FHA
Cash - Legal Description: UNIT NO.115
- CC&Rs: Yes
- Prop Restrictions: Pets-Cats Allowed
Pets-Dogs Allowed
Pets - Number Limit
Mandatory Owners Assoc
Residential property for sale.
Details Info about this row that located on 1240 County Road D E #5 Maplewood, Mn 55109, Saint Paul, MN 55109 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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