451 N West Silver Lake Rd Traverse City, Mi, 49684 Grand Traverse County, Traverse City, MI 49684 listing details
- Property Type: Realty
- Status: Available
- Status Type:
- Building Size: 2,068 SF
- Year Built: 1974
- Buildings: 1
- Added: 12/21/2013
- Last Update: 01/17/2014
- Bedrooms: 4
- 203K Eligible: No
- Appraisal Date: 12/06/2013
- Bed/Bath: 4/3.10
- Other: Buyer selects Closing Agent/Firm.
- FHA Financing: UI (Uninsured)
- HOA Fees: $0.00
- List Date: 12/18/2013
- Listing Period: Extended
- Parking: Garage
- Period Deadline: 6/15/2014 11:59:59 PM CT
- Property Design: Colonial
- Repair Escrow: $0.00
Listing in Traverse City on 451 N West Silver Lake Rd Traverse City, Mi, 49684 Grand Traverse County info
Listing was recorded For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com from 12/21/2013. Selected Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the web site on Jan 17/2014 07:21:46. The status of the listing is For Sale that allows of any future customers can send inquiry about this listing. The value of the property is $117000.00. This Unspecified Real Estate doesn't contains images assigned to it.
Realty Placement
The property placement are: 451 N West Silver Lake Rd Traverse City, Mi, 49684 Grand Traverse County, Traverse City, MI 49684. You can see Google StreetView and Map to get More information about Unspecified Real Estate Placement.
built in info
The property was built way back in 1974.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This property unit includes with four bedrooms and three toilets. The total sf area of the property is 2068.00000.
Realtor contact details
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will collaborate you in inspecting the house as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this property, you can contact with Olivia Render by the following contact info: (586) 685-2300 .
Residential property for sale.
Contact Info
Olivia Render: (586) 685-2300 12900 Hall Rd Suite 220 Sterling Heights MI 48313Melinda Schnabel Or Tiffany Lederle: (248) 994-0213 27260 Haggerty Rd. Suite A7 Farmington Hills MI 48331
Diane Howard: (248) 208-2900 25800 Northwestern Hwy #220 Southfield MI 48075
Details Info about this row that located on 451 N West Silver Lake Rd Traverse City, Mi, 49684 Grand Traverse County, Traverse City, MI 49684 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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