6420 N County Road H, Mercer, WI 54547 listing details

$ 254,900
  • Property Type: Realty
  • Status: For Sale
  • Status Type:
  • Buildings: 1
  • Added: 03/20/2016
  • Last Update: 03/20/2016
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Home: Single-Family
  • Parking: other
  • Roof: Composition
  • Heating Fuel: propane
  • Lot Size: 2.0 acres
  • View: Water
  • County: Iron
  • size: 2.0 acres
Extremely private setting with a great view and beach on desirable Spider Lake! This property features 2 secluded wooded acres and 200 of beautiful sand frontage. The exterior of the home is wrapped in Cedar siding and offers a wonderful lakeside deck, which then guides you to the concrete stairway leading to the lake. Inside the living room features gorgeous pegged oak hardwood flooring, a beautiful fieldstone fireplace and wall of waterfront windows. The open dining area is conveniently located off the large kitchen, and offers direct access to the deck. The cook in your family will h...ave a brand new refrigerator and dishwasher and is sure to enjoy the perfect lake view while doing the dishes. There are 3 bedrooms, spacious closets and one bedroom even offers a 1/2 bath. There is a full basement, 2 car attached garage, new roof, new septic and comes furnished!! Show more

Realty Listing in Mercer on 6420 N County Road H description

Property was recorded For Sale on www.corbizrealestate.com at 03/20/2016. This Unspecified Real Estate listing was updated on the site on Mar 20/2016 07:22:54. The status of the Unspecified Real Estate is For Sale that means that any expected consumers can send inquiry about this listing. The value of the property is $254900.00. This realty doesn't includes photos assigned to it.

Listing Geo Location

The property address are: 6420 N County Road H, Mercer, WI 54547. You can check StreetView or Map to get Complete info about Unspecified Real Estate Geographic Location.

Quantity of rooms and Living area information

This Unspecified Real Estate unit comes with three bedrooms and one toilets.

Realtor contact details

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by agent plus they will assist you in reviewing the estate as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed.

Residential property for sale.

Details Info about this row that located on 6420 N County Road H, Mercer, WI 54547 was got from trusty sources, but Corbiz Real Estate can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

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